Hollywood Smile in Antalya | Smile Makeover | Smile Design Turkey Cost

Dental Aesthetics Turkey

Everyone wants to be advantageous in many areas of life with a beautiful and aesthetic smile. This advantage will provide you with self-confidence and success in the social field.

Hollywood Smile Result of our female patient

In this context, an aesthetic smile has been applied in recent years, inspired by the smiles of Hollywood celebrities. This smile, called the "Hollywood Smile," is known as the "Hollywood Smile" in our country.

In this method, it is not enough to have only white teeth. In addition to the whiteness of the teeth, the healthy gums, the proportion between the teeth, and the condition of the lips are also important.

In the Hollywood smile design, your existing teeth are made of porcelain veneer. With gum aesthetics, your gums and teeth are harmonized. The desired smile is obtained when necessary by making your lips suitable for a smile with botox.

The criteria that determine what kind of smile you will have with the procedure; gender, age, facial features, teeth, gums, and lips are many factors. The Hollywood smile aims to perfect the harmony of teeth, gums, and lips at the highest level.

What is the Hollywood Smile?

We welcome you to our dental clinic in Turkey if you want a smile similar to Hollywood stars such as Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts, or Tom Cruise.

Hollywood smile is a smile aesthetic inspired by Hollywood celebrities. 'Hollywood Smile' is a set of personalized aesthetic interventions. Hollywood smile is the third in our country in search engines. In America, it is the most searched procedure.

Hollywood smile is a smile aesthetic in which teeth, gums, and lips are compatible. This aesthetic ensures the harmony of the white and properly aligned teeth and gums. Different treatments, such as dental veneers, implants, and gingival aesthetics, may be required to achieve an aesthetic smile.

White teeth compatible with pink gums are not enough for a perfect smile. The areas in our mouth, except teeth and gums, are black. The less the black image is visible, the complete aesthetic smile you will have. To reduce this black appearance, the length of the teeth is extended, and the volume of the teeth is increased. Thus, the black image is minimized.

Smile design can be made for anyone who meets the necessary conditions, whether male or female. Smile design is necessary for an aesthetic appearance and a person's self-confidence, place in society, and communication. A beautiful smile shows both our energy and our self-confidence.

What are the advantages of having a Smile Makeover in Antalya?

There are many advantages to having a Hollywood smile;

  • Your self-confidence will increase.
  • Provides an aesthetic smile.
  • Teeth colors become clearer.
  • Fractures in teeth are corrected.
  • You look young and energetic.
  • Oral and dental integrity is ensured.
  • You will have white teeth.
  • Creates an ideal smile for the face.
  • You get healthier gums.
  • Your smile will be more aesthetic and symmetrical.
  • You will have healthier gums.
  • You get a more symmetrical mouth structure.
  • The way your mouth is closed will be more correct and smooth.
  • The smile line is in the shape of a half-moon or moon.
  • You will have teeth worthy of a more natural-looking face.
  • Smile design makes the person look younger and more energetic.

Who gets the Hollywood Smile?

Hollywood smile can be done to anyone. However, the following persons are prioritized;

  • Those with missing teeth,
  • Those who do not like their smiles,
  • Those with crooked teeth,
  • Those with different tooth lengths,
  • Those who will have implants and veneerss,
  • Those who have stains and colors on their teeth,
  • Those who have appearance problems in their gums,
  • It is a method applied to those with a disproportion between teeth and gums.

Who needs to be treated with the Hollywood Smile?

The Hollywood smile is generally used for people whose teeth are renewed for aesthetic purposes. However, only some people are suitable for this procedure.

People who won't get a Hollywood smile can include:

Excessive wear on tooth enamel: People with excessive wear on tooth enamel may not be suitable for the Hollywood smile procedure as it can cause their teeth to become even thinner and experience sensitivity.

Severe dental caries: Tooth decay can weaken the structure of the tooth and make it worse. Therefore, people with dental caries should treat their caries first.

Gum problems: Gum disease can cause recession of the gums around the teeth and affect the appearance of the teeth. Therefore, people with gum problems should first treat their gum disease.

Too little tooth structure: People with very little tooth structure are not suitable for a Hollywood smile because their teeth need to be cut more.

Severe jaw problems: People with severe jaw problems may not be suitable for the Hollywood smile procedure as it does not allow their teeth to be reshaped or renewed.

For these reasons, people who need a Hollywood smile should first consult their dentists to ensure there is no health problem in their teeth. In addition, patients are treated with implants, veneers, teeth whitening, and gingival aesthetics for a Hollywood smile. Smile aesthetics cannot be performed in patients for whom these procedures cannot be performed.

What are the purposes of the Hollywood Smile?

  • To provide a symmetrical smile.
  • Creating an ideal smile on the face.
  • To achieve an aesthetically beautiful aesthetic appearance.
  • Making you truly feel like a star with a Hollywood smile.
  • To eliminate the insecurity caused by bad-looking teeth and mouth structure.

How about the Hollywood Smile?

There are certain criteria for a Hollywood smile. Hollywood smile, designed by these criteria, will give you a perfect smile. The criteria to be considered when designing a Hollywood smile are as follows;

  • Gums should be healthy.
  • All front teeth should be the same color.
  • Lips and gums should be symmetrical.
  • The veneer on the front teeth should look natural.
  • There should be no gaps between the front teeth.
  • Teeth should be arranged symmetrically concerning the midline.
  • Teeth should be sized according to a certain golden ratio.
  • Teeth should appear optimally in the smiling position.
  • While speaking, the sounds should come out by hitting the teeth, and the phonation should be smooth.
  • The upper gingiva should be designed so that a maximum of 2 mm is visible during smiling.
  • During the smile, the width of the lips should be half the face or a few millimeters less.
Smile Design Treatment Result of Women

What are the stages of Hollywood Smile?

Hollywood Smile stages are different for every patient. These stages are determined specifically for each patient. Our dentists examine our patients to determine the work to be done. As a result of this examination, appropriate treatment methods are determined. These treatments include different treatments such as implant procedures, dental veneers, gum aesthetics, and teeth whitening. In general, the Hollywood smile consists of the following stages;

Tooth Decay and Gum Treatment

First of all, if any, the decayed teeth of our patients are treated. Gum aesthetics is performed together with gum treatment for those who have problems or infections in the gums.

Dental Implant

Dental implants are not a treatment for every patient. Patients with missing teeth need this procedure.

Porcelain Veneer

A porcelain veneer is a stage of smile design. You can have great teeth with porcelain laminate. Porcelain veneers are used to have white, smooth, and bright-looking teeth. A porcelain veneer is used especially in patients with symmetry problems in their teeth, who have problems such as crooked teeth, broken teeth, cracked teeth, and split teeth. The outer surface of the porcelain veneers is slightly rubbed. There is no color change in the porcelain veneer.

Teeth whitening

White teeth are very important for a Hollywood smile. It is applied to patients who need teeth whitening. If the person's tooth structure does not require veneers and only teeth whitening is sufficient, teeth whitening is performed.

What are the risks of the Hollywood Smile?

The Hollywood smile is a smile that includes bright, smooth, and white teeth. Cosmetic dental procedures such as teeth whitening, lamination, porcelain veneers, or dental implants are generally used to achieve this smile. These procedures carry some risks as they change the natural tooth structure.

Side effects of the procedures may include:

  • Chemicals used during the teeth whitening process may cause sensitivity in the teeth.
  • Some dental procedures, such as dental implants or porcelain veneers, can increase the risk of infection.
  • Processes such as porcelain veneers and lamination can cause erosion of the natural tooth structure.
  • Some procedures, such as dental implants, can cause loss of teeth or gum infections.
  • Gum discomfort and pain can occur if implants or porcelain veneers do not fit properly.
  • The procedures required to achieve a Hollywood smile can be quite expensive.

These risks should be well evaluated and properly managed by the dentist. In addition, good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups can increase the permanence of the procedures to achieve a Hollywood smile.

What should be considered before the Hollywood Smile?

The Hollywood smile is a soft, bright smile achieved through teeth whitening, alignment, and other aesthetic procedures. There are some things you can do to get that smile:

  • The best step for a Hollywood smile is to see a dentist. Your dentist will inform you about the current condition of your teeth and offer the best options.
  • Whitening teeth is one of the most common procedures to achieve a Hollywood smile. This procedure removes stains and discoloration from the surface of your teeth.
  • Aligning your teeth is an important part of the Hollywood smile. To this end, the dentist may offer options such as Invisalign or traditional braces.
  • Porcelain veneers are thin porcelain veneers placed on teeth. This procedure changes the shape, size, and color of teeth.
  • Regular dental care is important to achieve a Hollywood smile. Brushing, flossing, and regular teeth cleaning help keep your teeth healthy and make them look whiter and brighter.
  • Smoking can turn your teeth yellow and cause gum disease. If you want to achieve a Hollywood smile, it is recommended that you quit smoking.
  • Tell your dentist about any medications or health problems you have taken.

These are some of the steps you can take to get a Hollywood smile. However, because everyone's needs may differ, you should not decide about any procedure or treatment before meeting with your dentist.

How to make a Hollywood Smile?

Hollywood smile is made in clinics that include dentists who are experts in aesthetic smile design. During the procedure to at least 16 teeth, 5-7 different methods are used. These methods are:

  • Gingivectomy (removal of excess gums)
  • Pink Aesthetics (gum aesthetics)
  • Implant Treatment
  • Orthodontic Treatments (removal of interdental spaces)
  • Veneers Procedures
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Lip Filling

The methods mentioned above are applied according to the needs of the patients. It may only be necessary to apply some of them in some patients. Hollywood Smile is a method that is considered individually.

Our procedure is made as follows;

Does our patient have rotten or broken teeth after our specialist dentists' examination? Do you have a missing tooth? Do you have a problem with your gums? Detected. Necessary treatment studies are carried out for these determinations missing for smile design. If there are rotten teeth, crooked teeth, and teeth that are too spaced, they should be treated. If there is a gum disease, this should be eliminated with gum treatments. If there are missing teeth, implants are applied to them. After this process, teeth whitening is applied to ensure that all teeth are close to each other in color.

Mouth and tooth measurements of our patient are taken. In line with the wishes of our patients, a smile design is created in the digital environment. If there is a need for veneers within the framework of this design, veneerss are made. The veneerss are tried on the patient, and if the patient is satisfied with this design, the procedure is started.

If the upper gums appear longer than desired (Gummy Smile) after these procedures, a 'Gingivectomy' is performed. With this procedure, the length of the long gums is shortened, or botox can be applied to the lips here.

Following all these procedures, the smile lines of the patients are checked, and the procedure is terminated.

What should be considered after the Hollywood Smile?

After the procedure, attention should be paid to the following explanations;

  • Use dental floss.
  • Tea, coffee, and soda consumption should be reduced.
  • Polishing processes and polishing should not be applied.
  • Routine dentist checks should not be interrupted.
  • Avoid sugary foods and drinks.
  • Care should be taken in the consumption of hard nuts.
  • The teeth should not be forced for a few days after the procedure.
  • Avoid biting hard food for the first few days.
  • The toothpaste used should not be abrasive.
  • In case of clenching while sleeping, a night plate should be used.
  • Toothpaste and brushes recommended by our physicians should be used.
  • Bad brushing habits should be abandoned; teeth should be brushed as recommended by our dentists.

Our team of experienced dentists and friendly staff are dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile.

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