Porcelain Veneers in Turkey | Porcelain Teeth Prices in Antalya

Dental Aesthetics Turkey

Your teeth build your self-confidence. Stained, yellowed, cracked, broken teeth shake this trust. When the teeth are not regularly maintained, yellowing, decay, and wear are experienced. This, in addition to causing many problems such as pain and loss of self-confidence, also negatively affects the aesthetic appearance of the teeth.

porcelain veneer

With dental veneers, dental health is protected, and its aesthetic appearance is improved. A porcelain crown, widely used in dentistry, offers different advantages than other veneers. Porcelain veneers are applied in different sizes for each tooth. These Veneers provide a more beautiful and aesthetic smile and the fulfillment of mouth functions.

A Porcelain Veneers is a dental treatment method used to improve the appearance and functionality of teeth. In this method, the outer surface of the teeth is covered using a special porcelain material so that the teeth' shape, size, color, and alignment can be changed. Porcelain Veneers improves the aesthetic appearance of the teeth, giving them a more natural, younger, and healthier appearance. It can also repair damage to teeth and close cavities. While preserving the natural structure of the teeth, it offers a durable and long-lasting solution. A Porcelain Veneers is applied without damaging the natural structure of the teeth. However, Porcelain veneers cannot be applied to teeth that have lost a significant part of their tooth structure or have undergone root canal treatment.

What are Porcelain Veneers?

A Porcelain Veneers is a dental treatment method used to improve the aesthetic appearance of teeth. In this method, the outer surface of the teeth is covered using a special porcelain material. Porcelain material provides an appearance similar to the natural color and shine of the teeth.

A Porcelain Veneers treats many dental problems, such as color changes, deformities, cracks, fractures, wear, tear, and gaps in the teeth. It also improves oral aesthetics by making the teeth appear longer, wider or fuller.

A Porcelain Veneers is a durable treatment method that ensures the teeth' longevity. Veneers can be brushed, flossed, and maintained like natural teeth with regular dental cleanings. Porcelain Veneers; It is often preferred by people who have lost their teeth or have problems such as yellowing of their teeth. Covering; equalizes teeth in shape, size, and color. However, Porcelainveneers cannot be applied to teeth that have lost a significant part of their tooth structure or have undergone root canal treatment.

A Porcelain Veneers is superior to composite veneers in terms of staining resistance. Due to its ability to reflect light, it can imitate natural teeth. Porcelain gets its white color from the material used in its manufacture. It is bio-compatible. It does not contain metal or toxic substances. A more natural appearance is obtained by using it in dental veneers.

What is Porcelain?

Porcelain is a hard, transparent, or opaque ceramic material fired at high temperatures by sintering, a method that combines powder particles with the help of laser energy. It is usually made from clay, quartz, feldspar, and minerals. The properties of porcelain depend on the type and proportion of materials used during sintering. Porcelain is a widely used material both in industry and at home. There is a special Porcelain veneers material that is also used in dentistry. This material is a durable material that provides an aesthetic appearance by being veneer on the upper part of the teeth.

What are the advantages of Porcelain Veneers?

  • It has high resistance against light impacts.
  • There is no problem when using functions such as biting and chewing.
  • It is made in tooth color to blend with natural teeth. This not only strengthens your teeth but also gives an aesthetic smile.
  • It can meet all expectations in terms of aesthetics.
  • Since it requires a short-term treatment, our patients do not stay away from their work and daily lives for a long time.
  • It has been used for a long time as it is a durable material.
  • Low cost.
  • It allows you to gain a beautiful smile.
  • An experienced dentist can apply Porcelain veneers with minimal tooth preparation

What are the disadvantages of Porcelain Veneers?

  • A tooth Veneers is irreversible.
  • Not suitable for those who grind their teeth.
  • After the procedure, the teeth have hot and cold sensitivity.
  • Teeth whitening cannot be applied.
  • veneers may not exactly match the color of other teeth.
  • The Veneers color cannot be changed after the veneers are bonded.
  • If the Veneers are damaged, they cannot be repaired.

Which teeth are Porcelain Veneers applied to?

  • Aesthetics,
  • Repair of broken teeth,
  • Compensation for missing teeth,
  • Elimination of structural tooth disorders,
  • Closing the spaces between teeth,
  • Correction of teeth with a different appearance,
  • Equalization of small teeth with other teeth,
  • Bleaching of teeth that cannot be whitened with the whitening process,
  • Teeth smaller than average,
  • Pointed or abnormally shaped teeth.
  • Tooth decays that are too large to be covered with fillings,
  • In the case of crooked tooth disorders,
  • In case of tooth loss due to any reason,
  • To cover a damaged or chipped tooth,
  • In cases where teeth need to be strengthened,
  • In cases where mouth alignment needs to be improved,
  • In those who have deficiencies in tooth alignment,
  • Defects in tooth enamel
  • Wear on teeth,

You can safely have porcelain tooth veneers to eliminate such situations.

Who needs help applying Porcelain Veneers?

In general, it is a method that can be applied to everyone. However, it is not applied to those who have the following disorders. These ailments are:

  • Those with jaw disorders,
  • Those who have pen-biting and nail biting habits,
  • Those who experience an advanced gingival recession,
  • It is not applied to those with a large loss of teeth or who have had root canal treatment.
porcelain veneer

What are the features of Porcelain Veneers?

Features of Porcelain Veneers are:

  • Your tooth color and shape are specially designed with a Porcelain Veneers. In this way, the natural appearance of your teeth is preserved.
  • Porcelain veneers is very durable and long-lasting.
  • Porcelain Veneers does not change color or become dull over time. Thanks to this feature, the color and shine of your teeth are preserved.
  • A Porcelain Veneers is fixed by sticking to the teeth. In this way, your teeth are prevented from moving, and the Veneers is firmly attached.
  • A Porcelain Veneers can be easily cleaned, similar to natural teeth. Thanks to this feature, it becomes easier for you to maintain the hygiene of your teeth.
  • With Porcelain Veneers, the aesthetic appearance of your teeth is increased, and the distortions, color differences, or other aesthetic problems in your teeth are eliminated.
  • Porcelain veneers has a structure compatible with other tissues in the mouth.

What should be considered before Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain Veneers dental treatment is the process of covering the teeth with special porcelain material. This process can be used to correct the color and shape of the teeth, repair broken or rotten teeth, or close cavities. There are some important points to consider before the Porcelain Veneers procedure:

  • Before Porcelain Veneers, your dentist should thoroughly examine your teeth and mouth. This helps determine the condition of your teeth and whether they are suitable for treatment.
  • Before applying Porcelain Veneers, it is important to clean your teeth. Your dentist will clean the plaque and tartar around your teeth so that your teeth are ready for the Porcelain Veneers process.
  • Your dentist will evaluate your oral health. For example, you will get treatment first if you have gum disease.
  • The color of your teeth is important in Porcelain Veneers. If your teeth have discoloration or stains, your dentist will perform a whitening treatment to remove them.
  • Your dentist will inform you about the treatment plan. This plan includes information on how to prepare your teeth, how many sessions are required, and the cost of treatment.

How is Porcelain Veneers made?

We start the procedure with the oral and dental examination. Caries, deformities, and gum problems seen during the examination are detected. Necessary treatments and practices are carried out to eliminate these identified problems. Then, the color and shape of the Veneers to be applied are determined together with the patient.

In the second stage, the tooth surfaces are thoroughly cleaned. Our dentists remove a thin layer of plaque from the teeth to be Porcelain Veneer. The thickness of this removed layer varies according to the patient's needs and the Porcelain veneers to be made. If there is no significant problem in the teeth, a 0.5 - 0.7 mm layer is removed. Anesthesia can be applied during the procedure. Temporary veneers are placed on our patients, so they do not experience any difficulties making permanent veneers.

After the layer is removed from the tooth, the measurements of the teeth to be Veneer are taken. After precise tooth measurements are taken, the molds of your teeth are removed. Your molds and mouth measurements are sent to the laboratory, and Porcelain veneers are expected to be produced according to the desired dimensions. It takes 10-14 days to produce Porcelain veneers.

After the permanent Porcelain Veneers arrive, the final stage of the procedure is started. This stage is the bonding stage of Porcelain veneers. Veneers adhere to tooth surfaces with specially prepared porcelain tooth Veneers adhesives. Rasping and reshaping operations are performed on the veneers when necessary when gluing the veneers. With these processes, the veneers are optimized for our patients' mouth and teeth structure. After the processes are completed, the veneers procedure is finalized.

What are the risks of Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are generally a safe method of dental treatment. However, like any dental treatment, it has some risks and complications. Here are the possible risks of Porcelain Veneers:

  • Teeth may be temporarily sensitive after Veneers procedure. This is usually a short-term condition and may disappear within a few days.
  • Since the Veneers adheres to the teeth, bonding problems may occur. In this case, the veneers must be re-glued or completely replaced.
  • While the Veneers changes tooth color, it may appear incompatible with other teeth. In this case, the dentist may recommend a different treatment method for color matching.
  • The veneers may be prone to cracking or breaking. In this case, the Veneers should be redone or completely replaced.
  • Part of the tooth is removed to make a Veneers, which may affect the tooth's structural integrity.
  • If the Veneers edges are placed close to the gum line, it can cause problems in the gums. In this case, the dentist can fix the problem by making Veneers adjustments.

Many of these risks can arise when the veneers is applied incorrectly, or the Veneers are not properly maintained.

What are the types of Porcelain Veneers?

A Porcelain Veneers is divided into four groups according to the type of material used;

  • Porcelain laminated tooth veneers: It is applied only to the front of the tooth by 0.3 mm abrasion on the tooth. It is a type of leaf Veneers made entirely of porcelain.
  • Full ceramic empress tooth veneers is applied to a single front tooth. The substructure is compressed personnel; the top is ceramic veneer. It is expressed as ceramic cladding on porcelain.
  • Porcelain tooth veneers with metal substructure: Its substructure is metal. Porcelain veneers is applied on the metal substructure.
  • A porcelain veneers with a zirconium substructure is the closest to the natural tooth. It does not cause any shrinkage or discoloration on the gums. It is a veneers method made with porcelain on a zirconium infrastructure.

It is divided into three groups according to the position of the tooth to be Veneer;

  • Full porcelain tooth veneers: Teeth are made of Porcelain Veneers from front to back. We can call it the method of teeth dressing.
  • A front tooth porcelain veneers: This is mostly applied to the front teeth for aesthetic concerns.
  • Single tooth porcelain veneers: The Veneers method is applied to a single tooth.

What should be considered after Porcelain Veneers?

  • After the anesthesia wears off, the patient can eat and drink normally.
  • If your porcelain tooth is broken, cracked, or dislodged, consult your dentist about the broken piece.
  • Temporary sensitivity may occur after the procedure; it will pass in a few days. If you have pain, you can use painkillers recommended by your dentist.
  • After the procedure, you should avoid hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks due to the sensitivity of your teeth.
  • You should avoid hard or sticky foods.
  • Brush and floss your teeth regularly.
  • It would help if you went to your dentist for a check-up at regular intervals.
  • To increase the durability of your teeth, it is recommended to protect them.
  • It would help if you used a night guard to protect your teeth from clenching and other harmful habits.
  • Do not force your teeth excessively. These teeth may break, or your teeth may be damaged.

To extend the life of your Veneers;

  • Do not chew hard objects (pen, ice, nails).
  • Chew hard foods with your back teeth and soft foods with your front teeth.
  • If you have a clenching or grinding problem, use a night plate.
  • Wear a mouthguard while playing sports.

Our team of experienced dentists and friendly staff are dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile.

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